Mahmoud El-Shaer, CFA


Mahmoud is a portfolio manager focusing on the management of customized, low turnover and liability-oriented credit portfolios.

Prior to joining Wellington Management in 2016, Mahmoud was a portfolio manager at Aviva Investors (2010 – 2016), where his responsibilities included leading their Liability-Driven Credit team, which managed the credit portfolios covering liabilities of Aviva’s UK, Irish, and French businesses, as well as the Aviva Staff Pension Scheme. Before that, he was a portfolio manager at Swiss Re (2008 – 2009), managing the firm’s sterling corporate credit book. He previously worked as a senior investment manager for European investment-grade credit at State Street Global Advisors (2002 – 2008) and as a global fixed income portfolio manager at Salomon Brothers KAG and Citigroup Asset Management (1999 – 2002).

Mahmoud El-Shaer, CFA