Understanding today’s risks through historical perspective and macroeconomic scenarios

Präsentation from 29. January 2025
Members Only
Thomas Verbraken, CFA

Investors are facing a challenging investment landscape, influenced by macroeconomic factors such as inflation, geopolitical risks like ongoing trade tensions, and secular trends like climate change. In this talk, we will begin with an overview of key trends for investors to watch. 

Next, we will explore how an in-depth analysis of major historical equity market drawdowns and the triggers behind them can provide useful context for understanding today’s risks and how they may impact portfolios. Additionally, we will discuss a framework to assess macroeconomic scenarios: how changes in macroeconomic factors such as inflation, economic growth, and interest rates impact different financial asset classes. 

The combination of historical perspective and forward-looking narratives is key to think through potential scenarios and helps inform portfolio and risk management decisions in an evolving investment landscape.

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