CFA Webinar

3D Investing: Jointly Optimizing Return, Risk, and Sustainability
Wed 12. March 2025 12:30 - 13:30
Event location virtuell

In this CFA Webinar, Dr. Harald Lohre will present the results of the winner paper of the CFA Germany Investment Research Award 2024.

Traditional mean-variance portfolio optimization is based on the premise that investors only care about risk and return. However, some investors also have non-financial objectives such as sustainability goals. We show how the traditional approach can readily be extended to mean-variance-sustainability optimization and explain why this 3D investing approach is ex-ante Pareto-optimal. We illustrate its efficacy empirically in several studies, including carbon footprint and SDG objectives. Importantly, we highlight conditions under which a 3D optimization approach is superior to a naïve 2D approach augmented with sustainability constraints.

12:30 - 13:30 Uhr | Webinar and Q&A
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12. Mar 2025